Thursday, June 25, 2009

Changes to be made!

I have done a lot of reading...I will read everything. I get a lot of magazines, newspapers, books...and so on. I am trying to be a great parent, not just a better parent, and not the perfect parent, but really, just the best parent that I can be.
I really enjoyed this blog, Anyone with kids, or who watch kids should read this blog. It is great. Makes sense! And, this is how I grew up. Enough said about that! Read it, it's great!
Another article I have read recently says the best thing you can do for your child is to spend QT with your spouse (of course, this is how I am saying it, it went in to much greater detail, with better words!). Jeff and I are spending time together without Ava, which is good for everyone involved. I feel so much better about this.

The latest article was about people who were on The Biggest Loser. One woman said she lost weight for her children. As I read this, I thought, this was a great thing. She says she wants to be healthy and "around for her kids", to be able to play, have fun, and teach them good habits. Now, I feed Ava very well, and then I look at what I am stuffing into my mouth and well, I should be ashamed...and I am.

So, as the title of this is "Changes to be made", I am making them. Will it make me the best parent I can be? I am working on it, I really am.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

What a day!!! Woke up to Ava and Jeff, already up and cooking breakfast. Very nice, although I only got to sleep an extra 25 minute, but I'll take it....and the day unfolds...

Next, off to the pool. Thanks Jeff, for the pool pass this year. Ava and I will be fish before we are done this summer. Had a great time, Ava swimming as best she could all over the pool, spending time with my little family is the best!

Off to GiGi's to see Uncle Chuck and Ruby, had a nice little visit, stayed longer than I thought, but still good. Well, with the exception of Jeff having to drive to Kanawha City, after a phone call, for a "very important fax" that he HAD to have for the shippers. My question is, who is faxing on Sunday, Fathers Day...I never really got a good answer.

Finish with eating out, coming home, giving Ava a bath and putting her grouchy, tired butt to bed. Next realizing that I am burnt...I look at Jeff, and well, he is burnt too, except for his belly, which is white, from the sunscreen Ava put on him! She was trying.

Today, Ava answered that she was Daddy's Girl, not Mommy' made me smile.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Silence is deafening...
I was cooking dinner this evening, and I heard no Ava, no dogs, no Jeff. I go into the living room, this is what I find.
Jeff on the couch snoozing with Ava, the Butcher, and Bella. How sweet is that!?!?!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Another day at swim class....Ava, after swimming around, comes up to sit on the side of the pool, and she is crying. She then tells me, "I kicked hard, and blew bubbles"...I said, "Then why are you crying?" Her answer?!?!?! "I don't know!"

Good grief!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Again, new at this

I am trying again to blog. Maybe this time, I will be able to keep up...

So, Ava is in swim class this week. Today, she went off the diving board!! OK, so maybe not EXACTLY of her own free will, but she went, and I couldn't be more proud of her. She is getting better and better every day.

How exciting is it to have a little one. Good grief, I am blesssed.

As her reward, we made a yummy Elvis cake for dessert tonight....banana cake with chocolate chips, peanut butter icing and sprinkled chocolate chips on top...MMMMM Good!