Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh My!!!

I am sorry for not has been so busy, busy, busy...and I will do it...soon!

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a good while.

I can't seem to get my mind wrapped around what needs to be done and what I want to do. I don't want to clean house, but it needs to be done. I don't want to go to the store, but it needs to be done.
I have things to do, I think I will get off here and go to, I'm not doing all that now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have been in a terrible mood for 2 days now. I am not a very nice person, and I know that I have not been fun to be around...AT ALL. I just don't know how to get out of my funk that I am in. I need to be better, and I need to do it, quickly.
Ava has strep throat...and believe me, it has been a terrible 5 days so far. Friday night, while at Gigi's (so I could go out for some much needed girl time) she spikes a fever and vomits...Jeff goes to pick her up. Saturday we battle fevers, and again, she vomits all over me, not 10 minutes after a to the shower, for myself, and well, Jeff threw her in there with me. She is crying, I am trying not to gag and throw up myself, she had vomit everywhere! Sunday, a little better, still battling fevers....Monday comes around and we are off to the doctor...yes, positive strep screen, a little dehydrated (because I didn't mention she won't eat or drink, hardly a THING...). Monday, we actually get out of the house, go to the doctor, Kroger, and McDonald's. A chicken nugget will not get my child out of the funk she is in. Tuesday rolls around, I think I have had it. She has diarrhea now, I am in a bad mood because she has not been feeling good, in turn, makes her a beast. I know it's not her fault, I really do...but good grief.
Today, Wednesday...I decide she has been on antibiotics for 3 days, no fever today (thank God) and we have to get out of the house. We are at the park a total of 10 minutes and she has diarrhea, she can't make it to the bathroom on time...go home, change, have to go to the store. I again decide, please...can we just get out for a few more minutes...go to the park while Jeff goes to the store...15 minutes later...ANOTHER ACCIDENT. Again, I am not mad, not at all, she can't help it. Maybe it was too soon for her to go out? Maybe I need to get out on my own?
I think this is why I am in such a funk. I really never paid too much attention to the fact that Ava and I come and go, have a great day, blah, blah, blah...and now we are cooped up in the house like it's some kind of jail...I need to escape.
OK, enough, get it together...

You know one thing I can't stand...why, in the world, do receipts have to be a mile long. I really don't care about all that crap that's on them. Give me my receipt with what I paid for on it, and save a tree with the rest of that junk.

I'm going to bed.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sweet Girl

I sneezed today, a big one....Ava, in the other room, says "Bless you Mommy", I reply "Thanks baby girl"...and she says "No problem". How sweet!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

An old Email

Have you ever gotten the email that says...blah, blah, blah...friends come into your life for a reason...some come into your life for a season...others for a lifetime?

I have thought about this email for about the last week. And I understand it more and more.

I buy Peach Nehi for my friend...she is my lifetime friend. Peach Nehi gives both of us a memory of what it was like when we were little, when we would walk to each others house and play, how we grew up together. I love her, my life without her just would not be the same.

I had time to spare yesterday and was "in the neighborhood". I stopped and bought another lifetime friend an iced coffee, headed over to her office and was going to take 15 minutes. Sadly, she wasn't there, and I had 2 iced coffees to enjoy (all for myself)...didn't taste as good. I was really looking forward to that 15 minutes. So very thankful to have her in my life!

Monday, I came home from Tennessee to see yet another lifetime friend. I had a great visit, her hospitality cannot be beat (although the paying for stuff makes me CRAZY) and we had the best visit. I am much looking forward to her coming to West Virginia in November for a movie premier, yes people, my friend is coming to see me so we can go to the movies. How great is that? I have traveled to 3 different states to see her, I refuse to let our friendship die due to distance. Again, I can't imagine life without her.

I then have to think about the other parts of that email...a friend for a season...I had one of those too. I was somewhat, pushed, to be friends with this person. And as of now, I am no longer friends with her. I can't say that my life feels empty without her. I will not take away the good times we had, but looking back on those times, they were a hoax! She is not a good person, not someone I want to be around. I am thankful that I had her for a season, and thankful that season has passed.

I love my friends, they are an extension of my family. I have met incredible people who really have made my life better. I love them for that.

And for you 3 lifetime friends, and you know exactly who you are...I love you and my life just wouldn't be the same without you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've Done It!!!

After much confusion over taking pictures and using my software...I have figured it out!!! Finally, it has clicked and I have a little idea about what I am doing. I took this picture of Ava, at Ridenour Park one day while we left the house so Jeff could nap.
Now, I am not blowing my own horn, but this is the best picture I have ever taken, and "touched up". I am very proud of myself...I had to share!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I must have been busy...

I just realized I haven't been on here for a long time!!! We have been very busy. So, I quick run down before I head into the shower...

Ava is potty trained!!! Yeah for Catbird!!! Only a couple of accidents here and there, but doing great. I think she realized that mommy wasn't playing around.

Have had 2 great play dates recently. I am so glad that I have great friends. I am very blessed. Enjoyed the park with Sarah B. then again with Sarah C. Took a couple of hours yesterday evening to enjoy a cold Peach Nehi with Heather while the girls played in the back yard AND got to put a cute little baby boy to sleep.

Vacation Bible School was great all last week. I was a little bummed that I didn't get to go to the pizza party or the program because of work, but Ava went and that is all that matters in the long run anyways.

Now, trying to go to a going away party for a friend from work. However, not been able to find a baby sitter. This gives me only 2 options, one, don't go (which I really want to), or two, go without Jeff (and I really don't want to do that...) Oh well, I need to make up my mind.

Will try to do better...summers really are busy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

No More Diapers.

So, I am potty training CatBird...and I will admit, she is rocking the potty!! Only a couple of accidents, she refuses (yes, REFUSES) diapers or pull ups. She informed me, only because I have told her, "no more diapers mommy". I am very proud.

Though, I do have a you bribe a 2 year old to "poop on the potty" with toys? My answer at first would be no. But if anyone has ever had a 2 year old that will NOT poop on the potty, I had to use it as a last resort.

So, after 4 days of no pooping, I told Ava that we will go and buy whatever toy she wanted if she would just poop. She informs me that it has to be a Dora toy. OK, I am good for that.

Today we have to go to Walmart. First, to get dog food. And second, because I found a recipe for Sonic Cherry Limeade, which I have an addiction to, and I needed the ingredients. Ava insists that she is getting her Dora toy. I explain, in Walmart, that she has to poop on the potty. She is OK with this, and we go about our shopping.

We get home, start eating dinner, I thought she was going to explode! Her face is blood read, she is sweating, and she tells me, "I'm pooping". We rush to the bathroom, and behold!!! Ava poops in the potty. I really think she has poop anxiety (just on the potty, we never had this problem with diapers) and she has made herself constipated. Poor child. After she is done, she asks if we can go get her Dora toy. So we eat, load up in the car, and go to KMart (I am not happy, since we just got back from Walmart, but a promise is a promise, I won't go back on my word with her).

She opts for the Know Your Name Dora Phone. Great little toy, costs me 15 bucks, but I can hook it up to the computer and it will download her name so when you push the button, it will say "Hola Ava...blah, blah, blah..."

The great thing about this story is...on the way home, she is talking to Dora. I hear her say, "Hi Dora...guess what? I pooped in the potty, and it was a BIG POOPER!!!" I had tears rolling down my face I was laughing so hard...but not out loud! I wouldn't want her to hear me laugh over her pooping in the potty. But seriously, how funny is that?

We got home and downloaded her name into the phone. Now every time she pushes the button she says, "did you hear that, Dora says my name!!!" She really is the cutest thing!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday starts it....

Just to let everyone know...Monday starts potty training with Ava...this is going to be some serious business!! Please, say a little prayer for us!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh, the changes. First thing it a blessing or a curse to only work 6 days a month? I can't tell. All I know is twice a month I DREAD going into work, not because it's work, but someone doesn't like someone, everyone is mad about something, we are short staffed and full of mostly ungrateful patients. Not that I am complaining, I am thankful I have a job. If I worked more, would I dread it less? I am going to say, no, I would dread it the same, just more often.

Doing well otherwise. I think Ava is getting bored, doing the same stuff all the time. Hard to keep a 2 year old stimulated sometimes. Got a pool pass for the summer...too bad the temperature is high 70's and the water is freezing cold. Again, I am going to work tomorrow, and it looks to be a 90's kind of weekend!!! Doesn't that figure?!?

Got a new haircut. Not in love with it, but it is new, and I will work with it until I do like it. I mean, it is only hair, right?

Looking forward to vacation bible school at Kim's church. I am going to try hard to get out there. Going to Red House 5 times in one week, and to be out there at 6:30pm might be hard, I don't know about dinner...but it would be good for Ava (and to be honest, probably good for me as well).

I am thinking hard about a spa trip. But do I really have it so bad that I need a spa trip, or am I just attempting to spoil myself? Not sure about that either!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My favorite time of night

After a bath, and Ava smells good and clean...we get ice cream. She asks while I am putting her in PJs, "And sprinkles?" in a shrill, excited voice. "Yes Cat, you can have sprinkles..." her response then..."2 kinds?", and holds up her fingers trying her hardest to put up 2 fingers, but ends up with her thumb holding her middle finger.

We fix our ice cream and of course she has 2 kinds of sprinkles, and in the end she looks up at me with ice cream on her clean face and say "Allum Mommy". Allum is I love you. She could not ever know how much I love her.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Changes to be made!

I have done a lot of reading...I will read everything. I get a lot of magazines, newspapers, books...and so on. I am trying to be a great parent, not just a better parent, and not the perfect parent, but really, just the best parent that I can be.
I really enjoyed this blog, Anyone with kids, or who watch kids should read this blog. It is great. Makes sense! And, this is how I grew up. Enough said about that! Read it, it's great!
Another article I have read recently says the best thing you can do for your child is to spend QT with your spouse (of course, this is how I am saying it, it went in to much greater detail, with better words!). Jeff and I are spending time together without Ava, which is good for everyone involved. I feel so much better about this.

The latest article was about people who were on The Biggest Loser. One woman said she lost weight for her children. As I read this, I thought, this was a great thing. She says she wants to be healthy and "around for her kids", to be able to play, have fun, and teach them good habits. Now, I feed Ava very well, and then I look at what I am stuffing into my mouth and well, I should be ashamed...and I am.

So, as the title of this is "Changes to be made", I am making them. Will it make me the best parent I can be? I am working on it, I really am.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

What a day!!! Woke up to Ava and Jeff, already up and cooking breakfast. Very nice, although I only got to sleep an extra 25 minute, but I'll take it....and the day unfolds...

Next, off to the pool. Thanks Jeff, for the pool pass this year. Ava and I will be fish before we are done this summer. Had a great time, Ava swimming as best she could all over the pool, spending time with my little family is the best!

Off to GiGi's to see Uncle Chuck and Ruby, had a nice little visit, stayed longer than I thought, but still good. Well, with the exception of Jeff having to drive to Kanawha City, after a phone call, for a "very important fax" that he HAD to have for the shippers. My question is, who is faxing on Sunday, Fathers Day...I never really got a good answer.

Finish with eating out, coming home, giving Ava a bath and putting her grouchy, tired butt to bed. Next realizing that I am burnt...I look at Jeff, and well, he is burnt too, except for his belly, which is white, from the sunscreen Ava put on him! She was trying.

Today, Ava answered that she was Daddy's Girl, not Mommy' made me smile.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Silence is deafening...
I was cooking dinner this evening, and I heard no Ava, no dogs, no Jeff. I go into the living room, this is what I find.
Jeff on the couch snoozing with Ava, the Butcher, and Bella. How sweet is that!?!?!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Another day at swim class....Ava, after swimming around, comes up to sit on the side of the pool, and she is crying. She then tells me, "I kicked hard, and blew bubbles"...I said, "Then why are you crying?" Her answer?!?!?! "I don't know!"

Good grief!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Again, new at this

I am trying again to blog. Maybe this time, I will be able to keep up...

So, Ava is in swim class this week. Today, she went off the diving board!! OK, so maybe not EXACTLY of her own free will, but she went, and I couldn't be more proud of her. She is getting better and better every day.

How exciting is it to have a little one. Good grief, I am blesssed.

As her reward, we made a yummy Elvis cake for dessert tonight....banana cake with chocolate chips, peanut butter icing and sprinkled chocolate chips on top...MMMMM Good!